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Axles lead to huge speed increases if prepared correctly or the possibility for significant instability and a decrease in speed if prepared incorrectly. As a result, the axles in stock Pinewood Derby kits need a lot of work to reach their full speed potential.


Whether using stock or high-performance stainless steel axles, you want to sand and polish the areas that contact the wheel.  The Turbo Axle Prep Kit contains everything you need to make professional quality axles!


The Turbo Derby Wheel Preparation Kit includes the following:

- One (1) bottle of Turbo Axle Polish

- One (1) steel flat file

- One (1) microfiber polishing cloth

- Two (2) lint-free cloth cleanroom wipes

- Two (2) wooden craft sticks

- Two (2) axle sleeves

- One (1) 6-foot length of synthetic cord

- One (1) pieces of abrasive paper in EACH of the following grits (for a total of 8 pieces). Each piece can be cut into 1/2 inch wide strips yielding 8 pieces of each grit.

  • 400
  • 800
  • 1000
  • 1500
  • 2000
  • 3000
  • 5000
  • 7000

- One (1) set of detailed instructions on how to prepare professional, league-quality axles!



Axle Prep Kit

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